Friday, May 31, 2013

Information on Candelabra Aloe

Candelabra Aloe

Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe

Common Name: Candelabra Aloe
Scientific Name: Aloe Arborescens
Height: 6 – 8  ft
Span:  4 – 6 ft
Growth Rate: Slow
Sun Tolerance: Full Sun

Candelabra Aloe scientific name Aloe Arborescens is native to southern of Africa. It is usually found in mountainous areas where it favors exposed ridges and rocky outcrops. It is also found in dense bush. It is well known as Aloe Vera. This is an evergreen slow growing plant that grows to 6 – 8 feet (2 – 3 m). Its leaves are succulent and are green with a slight blue tint. Its leaves are armed with small spikes along its edges and are arranged in rosettes situated at the end of branches. It blooms in spring. The flowers color is red/orange with cylindrical shape. All plant of this species is also relatively popular among gardeners and has recently been studied for possible medical uses.

Uses and cultural aspects:

In many parts of South Africa Aloe arborescens is planted around kraals (domestic stock enclosures) as a living fence. It often happens that the position of old kraals can still be seen many years after they have been abandoned because the aloes persist. Cuttings intended for use as barrier plants are sold in muthi shops.
The Zulu people use the leaves of this plant, dried and pounded into a powder, as a protection against storms. Decoctions of the leaves are also used in childbirth and in treating sick calves. In the Transkei it is used for stomach ache and given to chickens to prevent them from getting sick. In the Orient, this aloe is grown in domestic gardens as a convenient first-aid treatment for burn wounds and abrasions. In fact it was only after it was used to treat irradiation burn victims of Hiroshima that its healing properties received attention from the West. Extracts from the leaves have been widely investigated since then and shown significant wound healing, anti-bacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, hypoglycaemic and also alopoeic activity. The leaves have also been found to have purgative properties and the leaf sap is reported to relieve x-ray burns.

Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe

Information on Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe: Flower
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe : Young Plant
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe : Flower
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe
Candelabra Aloe

Video of Candelabra Aloe :

Information on Bristlecone Pines tree

The Bristlecone Pine

Common Name:  Bristlecone Pines
Scientific Name Pinus longaeva    
Height: 5 -16 m
Span: 3-5 m
Growth Rate: Slow
Sun Tolerance: Full Sun 

The bristlecone pine is one of the longest-living species in the world. Some of the bristlecone pines have lived for almost 4800 years. They preserve the moisture every season and grow slowly. The bristlecone pines are found in high altitude and elevations. The common height of bristlecone pines is 5-16 m and they mostly grow in rocky areas. The male cones, which is also called catkin is red-purple in color while female cones are dark-purple in color. The span of the bristlecone pine grows continuously resulting in gigantic trunks. The beauty of this plant comes from the aged thick trunk which resembles the art of Jin or deadwood in Bonsai terms. The grandfather of all plants - Bristlecone Pines.

Full Grown Bristlecone Pine

  Bristlecone Pine Male cones

  Bristlecone Pine Female cones 

  Gigantic Trunk of Bristlecone Pines

  Bristlecone Pine Female cones

  Bristlecone Pine Male cones

 Bristlecone Pine Young Sapling

 Full Grown Bristlecone Pines

 Bristlecone Pine Foliage

Huge Bristlecone Pine trunk

Video on Bristlecone Pines:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Information on Breadfruit

Full-Grown Breadfruit Tree

Common Name: Breadfruit 
Scientific Name: Artocarpus Altilis
Height: 85 ft
Span:  20 ft
Growth Rate:  Fast
Sun Tolerance:  Full Sun

Breadfruit is a species of Mulberry family and found all over Southeast Asia and Pacific islands. The tree grows up to the height of 85 ft and has large, thick leaves.  The branches can grow very randomly in different directions, making it look like a ruffled chicken. The Breadfruit tree is monoecious and produces male flowers first followed by female flowers. The fruit of the tree is eaten in varied forms by roasting, frying, baking and boiling. The taste of the breadfruit is similar to potato and freshly baked bread.  

 Breadfruit Female Flower

 Breadfruit Male Flower and Fruits

Breadfruit Tree
 Trunk of Breadfruit Tree
Breadfruit Fruits
Breadfruit Fruits

 Artocarpus Flower with Adjacent Stipules 

 Artocarpus Stipule Scar 

Breadfruit Fruit
 Closer View of Breadfruit Fruit
 Roasted Breadfruit's Fruit

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Golden Barrel Cactus

The Golden Barrel Cactus

Common Name:   Golden Barrel Cactus
Scientific Name Echinocactus Grusonii    
Height: 1-3 ft
Span: 2-4 ft
Growth Rate: Slow
Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
ABP Index:  4 (Aesthetics 4, Solidarity 4)

Golden Barrel cactus is rare and critically endangered species in the world. The shape of the Golden Barrel cactus is like round globe with 35 ribs in the body. The cactus has spines all over the body and produces flowers rarely. The flowers are pale-yellow in color and mostly blossoms in mid-summer. They can tolerate drought and low light for a longer period of time. Golden Barrel cactus is commonly found in the deserts of North America.

  Close up of golden barrel cactus spines

 Flower of  Golden barrel cactus

                                                                            Golden barrel cactus growing together

                                                                            Golden barrel cactus growing together

 Close up of a golden barrel cactus

 Small golden barrel cactus

 Golden barrel cactus spines

Video on Golden Barrel Cactus: